Monday, May 12, 2014

Cooking....For People


 Why 'cooking....for people'? This is a question I assume you're asking because you're someone who thinks when there are 'dot,dot,dot's after a word, that there's some sort of mystery to be solved. Then when that mystery is solved with, say, 'for people', you think "why people? Why not dogs? Dogs are groovy".

 Yes, dogs are groovy. I wholly agree. However, I sometimes don't think they truly appreciate the food that's made for them. They're more of the 'I like it or I don't' type and that's okay. I just like a higher echelon to make their judgements on my rare cooking. A dog would've dug dinner tonight, but would they have savored, or appreciated the craft behind it? No....because they're just simple, loving, magical beings.

 I cooked tonight. Here's the thing; I NEVER cook. Ever. Except for last night. I also cooked last night. And both times I learned something very special about myself; I am not a total fuck-up. Cooking was the last thing I had to prove to myself and others and my martial-arts teacher, that I could accomplish decently. I think I even exceeded my expectations for myself. 
 For the love of god - I made something jerk, fruity AND savory. I kicked all the asses! What the fuck!? Hahahahahahahaha!

 Oh I guess what they say is true; be careful of the spoon, the skillet, the pan, the fish, the pineapple, the jerk seasoning and the peas - they'll make you into someone you don't even recognize. But the salt and pepper are cool. Those are cool.

 In conclusion; I don't suck at cooking, and I'd like to cook for you! Only, I strictly cook for people with whom I am having or will-be-having sex with so.....ball's in your court.